Gymnasium “Bora Stankovic” - Bor

Gymnasium "Bora Stankovic" was founded in 1944 in Bor. In 1954, it grew into a “higher” high school and has been named after our famous writer Borislav Bora Stankovic since 1957.
Since the school year 1959/60 it became a four-year general education school that educates students in two directions, in natural-mathematics and social-linguistics.
Through four years of education, students acquire general and professional knowledge based on achievements in science, technology, art, and culture. Teaching encourages professional development in accordance with the capabilities of each of the students, acquiring work habits, developing responsibility for work, a sense of solidarity, developing an awareness of personal and social responsibility.
Address: Zeleni bulevar 26, Bor
Tel: 030/432-271

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