Technical school in Knjazevac

Technical school in Knjazevac started its independent work in 1990. Students can opt for one of five work areas and five educational profiles. At the beginning of 2013, about 540 full-time students attended the school, spread across 23 classes.
Classes are taught in modern conditions and equipped with classrooms and workshops. The technical school in Knjazevac uses 17 classrooms for the purposes of theoretical instruction, and for the needs of informatics, three IT cabinets are used with the equipment needed for multimedia teaching.
The practice is implemented in three workshops, as well as with businessmen in the fields of mechanical engineering and leather works. In addition to the cabinets and classrooms, the school also has a gym, a library, a fitness room and a large schoolyard with a park and a sports field.
Address: Karađorđeva 52, Knjaževac
Tel: +381 19/730-350

  • Total Visitors: 454094