Day of the student self-government in the FLHS - Vidin

On May 9, 2022. The Day of Self-Government was traditionally celebrated in the Yordan Radichkov High School in Vidin with the active participation of the students. During this day, they took on different roles - some were teachers and taught their classmates, while others took positions in the administration and management of the school. For example, Martin Stefanov from 11.A was the principal, Alexandra Boyanova from 9.B grade was the deputy principal, Velislav Benkov from 11.B was the secretary and Raya Malinova from 11.A grade was the librarian. The "new" teachers successfully coped with their duties, and the administrators performed the tasks strictly assigned to them. In this way, all the students involved felt the atmosphere on the other side of the learning process, facing the challenges of the respective professions. The day was fruitful for everyone.

Listen to the interview given for the national radio (Bulgarian language) -


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