We hang out together in Prokuplje


01.04.2022. Video from the action carried out by volunteers of the Agricultural School "Radoš Jovanović Selja" from Prokuplje, within the project "Active 4". The project "Active 4" is implemented by the Youth Empowerment Club 018 (KOM 018) in cooperation with 8 high schools from Nis - First Nis High School "Stevan Sremac", High School "Bora Stankovic", Catering and Tourism School Nis, Art School Nis, Mechanical School Nis Medical School "Dr Miodrag Lazić", Law and Business School Niš and Trade School Niš, Roma Association "Prokuplje" and 2 high schools from Prokuplje - Agricultural School "Radoš Jovanović Selja" and Technical School "15. Maj". is that young people are the initiators and propose and implement actions that will have the greatest impact on young people in Nis and Prokuplje, and that activities for young people be created and implemented by young people, especially in the spirit of youth needs during the pandemic. ”Is financed by the Ministry of Youth and Sports of the Republic of Serbia.

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