Positively Different Short Film Festival 2021

18.03.2021 Tonight at 00:00 EET (23:00 for most of you, and 22:00 for our partners in the UK) the Positively Different Short Film Festival returns!

For 10 days, the festival's programme will be available on the customised portal we created to secure the best possible viewing experience.

In the challenging and confusing times we are going through, our only shelter is solidarity. Solidarity presupposes awareness. This is what you should expect from the PDSFF2021 programme: a thread of untold stories of characters, individuals and communities that help us better understand each other and call for our attention.

Conclusion forum

22-23.10.2020 The final conference of the "Region of Youth Participation" project took place in Aleksinac, Serbia. All partner schools from both countries took part in its work, but the Bulgarian ones were present online due to the measures against the spread of the corona virus. The agenda of the event included reporting and evaluation of what was done under the project, as well as planning for the future.

Student exchange in Vranje

12-14.10. 2020 The third student exchange under the project took place in Vranje, Serbia. Again, only Serbian students physically participated in the exchange, while their Bulgarian peers joined online. The topic of the exchange was "Deadly Candy". During the event, the work done so far on the network project and the role of student parliaments in the fight against drug addiction were discussed. The participants had the opportunity to hear the opinion of experts.

Student exchange in Prokuplje

05-07.10. 2020 The second student exchange under the project took place in Prokuplje, Serbia. Due to the COVID crisis, only students from Serbia were present, while Bulgarians participated online. The topic of the exchange was "Healthy food". Participants had the opportunity to learn about the experience of the host school - Agricultural High School, to cook together and make a healthy weekly menu.

Student exchange in Montana

23-25.09.2020 The first of the planned three exchange visits took place in Montana, Bulgaria. The theme of the event was the network project "Famous people and events". The guests from Serbia also got acquainted with the Bulgarian educational system and the sights of the city. And as the main result of the visit, everyone put friendship in the first place.

Training of youth leaders and youth workers

09-13.12.2019 Belogradchik, Bulgaria hosted the planned five-day training of youth leaders from the student parliaments and youth workers (coordinating the work of parliaments adults) from the 12 Bulgarian and Serbian schools participating in the project. The training aimed to prepare them for work in these structures of youth self-government, as well as to test the developed handbook. It was attended by 48 representatives of the target groups and a mixed team composed of Bulgarian and Serbian trainers.

Second meeting of expert group

26-27.11.2019 The Second meeting of Youth Leadership and Student Self-Government experts on the Region of Youth Participation project took place in Aleksinac, Serbia. The developed Methodology for Student Self-Government (Student Self-Government Handbook) was presented, commented on in detail and supplemented with some ideas. The Handbook will be used for the planned trainings and other activities.

Result of selection for partner schools

The following schools have been approved for inclusion in the project by the Bulgarian side:
1. Yordan Radichkov High School for Foreign Language Teaching - Vidin
2. Montana Profiled High School of Natural Scinces and Mathematics - Montana
3. Ioan Exarch Profiled Language High School - Vratsa
4. Prof. Dr. Assen Zlatarov High School of Natural Scinces and Mathematics - Botevgrad
5. Professional High School of Economics - Pernik
6. Dr. Peter Beron Language High School - Kyustendil

First Expert Meeting

30.09. - 01.10.2019 The first meeting of experts from Bulgaria and Serbia was held at the "Skalite" Hotel - Belogradchik in connection with the development of a joint methodology for student self-government. At the meeting the results of the study of the current situation on the topic in both countries were presented, an Terms of Reference for the methodology and certain criteria for selection of partner schools were made.


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