Drugs through your eyes (PGE - Pernik)

The students from the Board of PGE - Pernik prepared essays on "Drugs through your eyes", through which they stated their personal position on the spread of various types of addictions in society, but mostly attention was paid to drug addiction. Considering this to be one of the biggest threats to young people, the students developed this activity under the "Deadly Candy" network project. The topic is also related to the online lesson "Psychological Addictions", which was held at the Secondary School of Economics.

How taking psychoactive substances affects a person

Psychoactive substances are those substances that change the state of consciousness, mood and behavior. Modern classifications of diseases define all health disorders that can occur due to consumption of psychoactive substances. Among them, the most important are - acute poisoning (intoxication), substance abuse and dependence, and abstinence syndrome or crisis.

Drug addiction is a condition of periodic or chronic poisoning, harmful to both the individual and the society, caused by repeated use of natural or synthetic drugs.

"Don't be a part of the statistics" - School of Economics and Trade Vranje

Addiction diseases are a very big health and social problem. In addition to the consequences for the health of PAS users, these diseases also lead to a number of social problems. Work on the prevention of PAS abuse is necessary and implies the action of several different areas in society.

The average age when young people start experimenting with drugs, most often marijuana, is 16, and the average age when you start using heroin is 21.

SP of FLHS - Vidin emphasizes on the dangers associated with drugs

More and more kids are tempted to try different kinds of drugs from their friends with the pretext that nothing can happen from a single try. After that of course, the number of tries grows, while the efficiency lowers, which resorts to stronger and stronger substances. That’s how many dependences start from a very young age.

The fact that we are under quarantine because of the Coronavirus doesn’t stop that interest for drugs at all.

The Student Council in Vidin with interaction against drug substances.

The school council of FLHS "Yordan Radichkov" is working hard on the "Deadly candy" project despite the current events. The members of the council have conversations on the topic and are looking for ways to interact with their co-evals. The implementation of the project is going to happen as soon as we are back to our normal school program.It includes the collection of real and personal stories connected to distribution of narcotic drugs and the consequences of that. The stories will be showed as a performance in class or the so-called "forum-theather" from the members of the council.

Child Safety, Prevention and Protection from Psychoactive Substance Abuse - Gymnasium "Bora Stankovic" Bor

Within the Student Parliament, Gymnasium Bora Stankovic in Bor, in cooperation with members of  the Parliament and other students of our school, a workshop was held on the topic: “Child safety, prevention and protection against psychoactive substance abuse”. The workshops were designed and realized by the third grade pupils of our school, who have previously received training on safety, necessary knowledge and skills on the topic of ill-treatment of psychoactive substances.


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