Day Care Center for Children "St. Nikolae" - Stefan cel Mare

Local council
Type of structure :
Social service provided in the community
Postal code: 910077 ::: Stefan cel Mare ::: District: Calarasi
Street, No.:
Gradinitei, nr. 36
Phone: +40 242.530.077 ::: Fax:
Mobile phone:
+40 744.321.548
Е-поща: ::: Web-site :
Mission or main objective/purpose :
Sf. Nicolae Day-Care Center for Children is a child protection service whose mission is to prevent child separation from his/her family, abandonment and institutionalization of children by providing daytime activities of care, education, recreation - socialization, counseling, independent life skills development for children as well as support activities and counseling for parents. The general objectives of "Sfantul Nicolae" Day-Care Center for Children are the following: - initiation of an alternative for children at social risk to ensure support and counseling for the families of beneficiary children in order to overcome the social impediment; - prevention of abandonment by increasing the quality of life of children in difficulty; - reduction of the risk of social exclusion for children from socially marginalized families and stimulation of the development of their personality; - development of parenting skills and individual social integration capabilities in the community, for parents with low-income or without an income. - provision of educational services, social integration, recreation, socialization, counseling, school and professional orientation in order to prevent the discriminatory phenomenon to which the child in difficulty is subject; - raising awareness within the society in respect of the problem of the child in difficulty.  
Target group/s or clients :

Children from disadvantaged families, from 6 to 15 years old, having the residence in Stefan cel Mare township, Calarasi county.

Short description:

The multidisciplinary team offering social services is made up of the following types of specialists:
- Social worker, 1 person, full-time employment;
- Psychologist, 1 person, full-time employment;
- Nurse, 1 person, 1/5 workload;
- Educator, 1 person, full-time employment;
- Teachers, 2 persons,full-timeemployment

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