Family type modules for children in difficulty and infected with HIV / AIDS - Constanta

2.4 Morning Glory House Foundation for children with AIDS - Constanta
Type of structure :
Social service provided in the community
Postal code: 900062 ::: Constanta ::: District: Constanta
Street, No.:
Prelungirea Liliacului, nr. 12
Phone: 0241690533 ::: Fax: 0241690533
Mobile phone:
Е-поща: ::: Web-site :
Mission or main objective/purpose :
Type of social service: Residential center (accommodation centers) Other information concerning the social service:  The mission of the service is to provide residential type care,education opportunities,growth and social integration, focused on the child/young person, oriented on family and based on community by establishing a standard of care to show that all children/ young persons infected with HIV enjoys all the rights granted by the United Nations Universal Declaration of Human Rights. Family-type modules aim to provide residential care by providing for children infected with HIV with access to accommodation, care, education, medical services, community integration, through family or socio-professional integration / reintegration.
Target group/s or clients :

The target group is made up of HIV-seropositive persons or persons came from HIV-infected mothers, with medical and social needs, in difficulty.


20 places
Short description:

The following services are provided within the Module:

- Accommodation and daily food;

- Residential care;

- Psychological counseling,

- Social mediation;

- Medical care,

- Formal and non-formal education

- Support for social reintegration

The service team is made up of: educator, psychologist, social worker, pedagogues.

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