Family-type accommodation center for children and youth without disabilities II - Veliko Tarnovo
Children and young people from 3 to 29 years of age are accommodated in a Family Type Placement Center:
• children deprived of parental care;
• children brought out of specialized institutions;
• young people who can not be supported in a family environment or lead an independent life.
The main purpose of the service is to provide a safe and secure environment for children and young people by individualizing care and support in conditions close to the family environment, providing better quality of life, opportunities for development and social inclusion.
Type II family-type accommodation for children / young people without disabilities provides services in an environment close to the family:
• Providing 24-hour care in a protected and child-friendly environment;
• Providing emotional and psychological support;
• Ensuring the satisfaction of health needs;
• Support training and assistance for inclusion in the educational process;
• Providing opportunities for development of children and young people in their free time according to their abilities and interests - inclusion in various forms and accompanying services;
• Assistance in enriching the biography and identity of the child / young person, keeping a personal diary;
• Counseling and information;
• Providing opportunities for social inclusion and support for independent and independent living through learning in life and social skills;
• Assisting people leaving the service in their social and professional realization;
• Work with parents, relatives and relatives, foster families and prospective adoptive parents, support and stimulate emotional relationships.
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