Assistance and Care Center within the Complex of Services for Adults - Slatina

Type of structure :
Social service provided in the community
Postal code: 0 ::: Slatina ::: District: Olt
Street, No.:
Str. Toamnei nr. 11
Phone: 0372.713.562 ::: Fax: 0249.412.692
Mobile phone:
Е-поща: ::: Web-site :
Mission or main objective/purpose :
Type of social service: Residential centers (accommodation centers) Other information concerning the social service:  The purpose of the social service Slatina Assistance and Care Center is to provide the whole range of activities to meet the social and special needs of people with disabilities, such as providing the basic needs of personal care, recovery / rehabilitation, insertion / social reinsertion, etc., in order to overcome difficult situations, prevent and combat the risk of social exclusion, promote inclusion and social integration and increase the quality of their lives. personal care; Surveillance and current medical care; accommodation for an indefinite period; meal, including hot food preparation; socialization and cultural activities; Physical, psychical, mental recovery therapies, occupational therapy; promoting  rightsof the beneficiaries and a positive image of them.  
Target group/s or clients :

Beneficiaries of social services provided in the establishment are adults with severe accentuated or medium handicap who do not have an aggressive psychiatric disability at their request orat the request of their legal carers, within the limits of the available places.

122 places
Short description:

The multidisciplinary team offering social services is made up of the following types of specialists:

  • Social Workers, 3 persons, full-time employment;
  • Psychologist, 1 person, full-time employment;
  • Physical therapist, 1 person, full-time employment;
  • Nurse, 5 people, full-time employment;
  • Doctor, 1 person, full-time employment;
  • Ergotherapist, 1 person, full-time employment.
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