Ambulatory neuromotor recovery center - Complex of services for Adults - Slatina

Type of structure :
Social service provided in the community
Postal code: 0 ::: Slatina ::: District: Olt
Street, No.:
Str. Toamnei nr. 11
Phone: 0372.713.562 ::: Fax:
Mobile phone:
Е-поща: ::: Web-site :
Mission or main objective/purpose :
Type of social service: day-care centers (centers without accommodation) Other information concerning the social service:  The purpose of the social service is to ensure at local level the implementation of social assistance policies and strategies for people with disabilities by increasing the chances of recovery and integration into the family or in the community and to provide support and assistance to prevent situations that endanger the security of the beneficiaries. The main services implemented: initial evaluation; elaboration of the intervention plan; information; functional recovery and rehabilitation; social integration or reintegration; healthcare; social integration and participation;  
Target group/s or clients :

- Beneficiaries of the social services provided are the adults with physical, somatic or neuromusculoskeletal disability in Olt county, who have specific recovery needs according to the recommendations of the individual rehabilitation and social integration program developed by the Commission for the Evaluation of Disabled Adults at their request or at the request of their legal carers.

17 places
Short description:

The multidisciplinary team offering social services is made up of the following types of specialists:

  • Physical therapist, 1 person, full-time employment;
  • Nurse / physiotherapist, 2 persons, full-time employment;
  • Specialist, 1 person, full-time employment;
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