Center for Social Rehabilitation and Integration for Adults and People with disabilities over 18 years of age - Veliko Tarnovo

Municipality of Veliko Tarnovo
Type of structure :
Social service provided in the community
Postal code: 5000 ::: Veliko Tarnovo ::: District: Veliko Tarnovo
Street, No.:
4, Str. Dimitar Naydenov
Phone: 062/ 65 13 58 ::: Fax:
Mobile phone:
0885 016 126
Е-поща: ::: Web-site :
Mission or main objective/purpose :
Center for Social Rehabilitation and Integration is a complex of social services related to rehabilitation, social-legal consultations, labor counseling, educational and vocational training and orientation, preparation and implementation of individual programs for social inclusion. Main objective: Integrating people in public life, supporting their overall development, providing contacts, developing resources, preventing institutionalization, informing the public about the problems of people with disabilities, changing the attitudes of society to people with special needs.
Target group/s or clients :

• people with disabilities over 18 years of age

• adults in need of social inclusion and rehabilitation measures

• persons with disabilities from the specialized institutions and the protected dwellings on the territory of the Municipality of Veliko Tarnovo.

Short description:

Services provided:

• Psychological counseling;

• Social counseling;

• Social-legal counseling;

• Labor therapy;

• Healing rehabilitation;

• Medical observation and assistance in contacts with relevant medical establishments;

• Training features;

• Integration features;

• Consultation of users' relatives on the problems of people with disabilities;

• Supporting the social integration of people with disabilities through the development of a social support network;

• Informing the persons about the social services on the territory of the Municipality of Veliko Tarnovo;

• Informing about suitable workplaces on the territory of the Municipality of Veliko Tarnovo with the assistance of the Labor Office Directorate - Veliko Tarnovo;

• Social counseling and supported employment.

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