Home for elderly people "St. Ivan Rilsky" - Balvan
The users of the service are people who have reached the age of eligibility for a retirement pension according to the Social Security Code, incl. and those who have a reduced percentage of working capacity.
Services provided:
• Use of a sleeping room, appropriately furnished and equipped, dining and social facilities;
• Providing healthy and nutritious food, depending on the health and personal choice of consumers;
• Assistance for the provision of medication and the provision of specialized medical care;
• assistance in case of need of different administrative services;
• possibility for self-organization of leisure time - occupational therapy;
• organization of joint events with other specialized institutions, excursions, celebrations, etc .;
• information on the legal framework regulating the activity of the social service provider as well as on the rights and obligations of the consumers;
• the possibility of personal contacts with relatives and relatives of the users.
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