Protected residence for people with mental disorders - Tserova koriya

Municipality of Veliko Tarnovo
Type of structure :
Social service provided in the community
Postal code: 5047 ::: Tserova koriya ::: District: Veliko Tarnovo
Street, No.:
Phone: 06126 2329 ::: Fax:
Mobile phone:
Е-поща: ::: Web-site :
Mission or main objective/purpose :
"Protected residence for People with Mental Disorders" is a complex of social services provided to people with mental disorders. The purpose of the service includes: • Creating conditions for assistance, mutual assistance, effective protection and social integration of people with severe mental disorders; • Implementation of activities to achieve social inclusion and recovery of lost social skills and habits; • Ensuring a full and independent lifestyle in an appropriate family-friendly environment, with the opportunity for expression and support by specialists.
Target group/s or clients :

Service users are 18-year-olds with mental disorders.

Short description:

1. Ensure a sheltered living space that allows a group of severely ill people who have lost their ability to have their own home and shelter to improve their quality of life and to be placed in a home-like environment. The activity includes:

• Personal hygiene / care care training for the appearance;

• Personal hygiene care training;

• Training for the hygiene of the common areas and the park space;

• Apparel training.

2. Psychosocial activities - provide an opportunity to build social skills for a self-sufficient and fulfilling way of life, to effectively integrate into the social environment, to build a supportive network of friends and partners, to work, to make use of leisure time, Include:

• Labor rehabilitation;

• Creative workshop;

• Training in social activity;

• Drug training;

• Training in prudent management of financial resources;

• Training in food preparation;

• Shopping education;

• Expanding your social network;

• Leverage leisure and leisure;

• Enriching the knowledge of the world.

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