Centre for Social Support - Vratsa

Municipality of Vratsa
Type of structure :
Social service provided in the community
Postal code: 3000 ::: Vratsa ::: District: Vratsa
Street, No.:
17 Str. Kokiche
Phone: 0887 900 324 ::: Fax:
Mobile phone:
Е-поща: cop_vratza@abv.bg ::: Web-site : http://www.vratza.bg/userfiles/file/Socialni&mladejki%20deinosti/Center%20Obshtestvena%20podkrepa14022013.pdf
Mission or main objective/purpose :
Provides social services for children and families in order to prevent the abandonment of children and their placement in specialized institutions, prevention of violence, prevention of risk, etc.
Target group/s or clients :

Children in risk and their families

Short description:

Main objectives and principles of work are to ensure the best interest of the child, to help the child to enter the social environment, to provide opportunities for the full development of children's potential according to their needs and opportunities, to inform and target other social services in the community, the provision of services supporting families of children at risk, raising parental capacity, promoting responsible parenting, etc.

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