Unit “Mother and baby” - Vratsa
Municipality of Vratsa
Type of structure :
Postal code: 3000 :::
Vratsa :::
District: Vratsa
Social service provided in the community
Street, No.:
Phone: 092 62 04 84 :::
7 Str. Kozloduiski bryag
Mobile phone:
Е-поща: zmb_vr@abv.bg :::
Web-site : http://www.vratza.bg/userfiles/file/Socialni&mladejki%20deinosti/Zveno%20Maika&Bebe_05082013.pdf
0882 74 82 64
Mission or main objective/purpose :
The Mother and Baby Unit is a social service provided in the community, the purpose of which is to offer temporary support and shelter to pregnant women and mothers with children up to 3 years of age.
Target group/s or clients :
Pregnant women and mothers with children up to 3 years of age with risk of abandonment of the child.
Short description:
The main purpose of the service is to create conditions to prevent the abandonment of a child and to protect the right to preserve family ties. The unit has a very good material base, covering an area of 156 square meters, including - bedrooms, living room, kitchen, service and laundry rooms.
24 hours of attendance and supervision of the mothers and children from the specialists are provided, in the Unit - the number of staff is 9 people.
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