Center for Social Support - Gorna Oryahovitsa

Municipality of Gorna Oryahovitsa
Type of structure :
Social service provided in the community
Postal code: 5100 ::: Gorna Oryahovitsa ::: District: Veliko Tarnovo
Street, No.:
9 A Str. Vicho Grancharov
Phone: 088 216 5368 ::: Fax:
Mobile phone:
Е-поща: ::: Web-site :
Mission or main objective/purpose :
"Social Support Center" is a complex of social services related to the prevention of abandonment, prevention of violence and dropping out of school, deinstitutionalization and reintegration of children, training in the skills of independent living and social integration of children, counseling and support of families in risk, evaluation and training of future foster parents and adoptive parents, counseling and support for children with antisocial behavior.
Target group/s or clients :

1. Children from 0 to 18 years at risk and their families:

(a) Victims of abuse, violence, exploitation;

(b) where there is a risk of harm to their physical, mental, moral, intellectual and social development;

(c) disabled;

d) not covered by the education system, at risk of dropping out or dropping out of school.

2. Children from 0 to 18 years of age and their families from the community targeted by primary prevention activities and various information campaigns;

3. Children and youth from resident-type services and those who leave them;

4. Pregnant women, parents / legal representatives of a child at risk in need of specific support or assistance;

5. Candidates for or already approved foster families;

6. Candidates for or already approved adopters;

7. Others.

Short description:

1. Prevention of abandonment of children;

2. Preparation and support of the child and the family for reintegration into a family environment as well as monitoring and support after reintegration;

3. Training in skills for independent living and support for successful social integration and professional realization of children and youth from resident type services;

4. Prevention of juvenile delinquency;

5. Support for children, victims of violence and their families;

6. Counseling children with behavioral problems and their families;

7. Working with children who have dropped out or at risk of dropping out of school and their families;

8. Family counseling and support for the development of parental abilities and skills, mobilization of internal resources for coping with difficulties in raising and educating children;

9. Training of candidates for foster families and support of approved children with accommodated children;

10. Adoption support services - training of prospective adoptive parents and support for children and families after adoption;

11. Conducting information campaigns;

12. Mobile social work - active search and support of children and families from high-risk communities - women at risk, street children, victims of exploitation, school drop-outs and children who are in a situation of social exclusion , as well as their families.

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