Home social patronage - Dobrich
Municipality of Dobrich
Type of structure :
Postal code: 9300 :::
Dobrich :::
District: Dobrich
Social service provided in the community
Street, No.:
Phone: 058/ 601 686 :::
Str. Lozyata I-vi pat
Mobile phone:
Е-поща: :::
Web-site :
Mission or main objective/purpose :
The activity of the social institution is aimed at helping the elderly and those in need of special care who are unable to organize and satisfy their living needs in a normal home environment.
Target group/s or clients :
people over 60 or with over 70% permanently reduced working capacity
Short description:
Since 01.09.1974 in Dobrich has been opened an institution for provision of social services in the usual home environment - Home social patronage.
Since April 2002 the social patronage is resident in the new building of the House for Older People in Dobrich.
The provided social services are:
• Delivery of warm and varied home-grown food
• House cleaning
• providing assistance and assistance in maintaining personal hygiene, social, health, domestic problems and enriching cultural life.
The activity in the Home social patronage is carried out by 33 qualified and auxiliary staff.
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