Center for Family - type accommodation for children and young people with disabilities - Silistra

Municipality of Silistra
Type of structure :
Social service provided in the community
Postal code: 7500 ::: Silistra ::: District: Silistra
Street, No.:
13, Str. Kapitan Krastev
Phone: 086/ 820 017 ::: Fax:
Mobile phone:
Е-поща: cnstdmu_silistra! ::: Web-site :
Mission or main objective/purpose :
Residential community service for children with disabilities
Target group/s or clients :

Target groups are children over 3 years of age with disabilities, young people aged 18 to 29 with disabilities, children and young people with disabilities from the community.

Short description:

The social service Family-type placement center for children / young people with disabilities was revealed on 02.04.2014 under a project of Silistra Municipality. Since March 2015, the service has functioned as government-delegated activity.
The Center is located in a detached two-storey detached house with separate bedrooms, sanitary units, kitchen, dining room, 2 living rooms, room for organizing holidays, specially built, furnished and equipped under the Operational Program "Regional Development" , laundry room, warehouse, office. The yard is equipped with children's, garden facilities, appropriate, accessible and safe for children. A "green" relaxation area is built.
The center provides a constant care for each user according to his needs and according to his / her opinion and choice. A living environment close to the family is provided, with each user having personal space and space for common activities. The services provided are: rehabilitation, therapy, guidance, information and training, group work, home help, training, etc.
The service covers children with disabilities over 3 years on the territory of the municipality and covers the needs of the target group.

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