Family-type accommodation center - Pleven
Municipality of Pleven
Type of structure :
Postal code: 5800 :::
Pleven :::
District: Pleven
Social service provided in the community
Street, No.:
Phone: 064 830 367 :::
23 Str. Trite bora
Mobile phone:
Е-поща: :::
Web-site :
0877187 330
Mission or main objective/purpose :
Family-type placement center for children without disabilities is a resident-type social service. The center creates the environment closest to the family, where children receive individual care, support for personal development and build skills for independent and independent living. It creates conditions and opportunities for children to participate equally in the life of the local community. The primary goal of the Center is to provide a safe and secure environment for children through individual care and support, in conditions close to the family environment, providing a better quality of life and the opportunity for full development and social inclusion.
Target group/s or clients :
Children up to 18 years of age.
Short description:
Family-type placement center for children without disabilities is a resident-type social service. Scope of service:
- providing opportunities to meet basic life needs;
- health care;
-psychological support;
- education;
- life skills for independent and independent living, leisure and leisure;
-providing a favorable, secure and safe environment for providing a quality and efficient service;
- a material base meeting the objectives and functions of the Center.
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