Foster care - Pleven

Municipality of Pleven
Type of structure :
Social service provided in the community
Postal code: 5800 ::: Pleven ::: District: Pleven
Street, No.:
Bulevard Ruse 1
Phone: 064 800 093 ::: Fax:
Mobile phone:
0879 991 931
Е-поща: ::: Web-site :
Mission or main objective/purpose :
The implementation of the "Accept me" project 2015 enable concrete measures aimed at enhancing the effectiveness of the foster care provided in Pleven and throughout the country through the follow-up at the national level of the activities of the foster care teams. The implementation of the measures contribute to the achievement of the main goal of the National Strategy for the Child 2008-2018 - providing conditions for effective exercise of rights and improvement of the quality of life as a condition for their free and full personal development. Main objective: To improve the model of provision of the foster care service and expand its scope in the country. Specific objectives: To continue and build on a sustainable model for the development of substitute family care in support of de-institutionalization of children; Develop a new innovative model of organization and management of foster care provision at national level with the active involvement of all municipalities with an identified need to develop this service;
Target group/s or clients :

Priority foster care for children from 0 to 3 years of age, as well as "specialized foster care" for children with disabilities, children and victims of violence and trafficking, and for unaccompanied refugee children;
By monitoring the foster care provided and assessing the impact of the service, create a secure and sustainable environment that stimulates child development in the foster family and increase the security and efficiency of working foster families;

Short description:

The foster care project "Accept Me", which is a continuation of the "I Have a Family" initiative, is aimed at extending the scope of the social service. The aim is to provide an alternative form of raising children at risk, as well as to provide them with a family environment for rearing. Within the framework of the project, the children accommodated in foster families are encouraged to take care of their development, to take them out of the risky Environment and working with them in a family environment. The foster parents are voluntary and professional. The main element of the project is the introduction of a new regional model of management and provision of the foster care social service. The overall scope of provision of the social care service "Foster Care" is implemented by the municipality - a district town. Social workers with a job in the district town are responsible for all applicants and foster families on their territory as well as those from other municipalities in the area.

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