Family-type accommodation center for children and young people with disabilities 2 - Ruse

Association Child and space
Type of structure :
Social service provided in the community
Postal code: 7000 ::: Ruse ::: District: Ruse
Street, No.:
20a Str. Nikola Vaptsarov
Phone: 082 862 919 ::: Fax:
Mobile phone:
0878 650 503
Е-поща: ::: Web-site :
Mission or main objective/purpose :
Family-type accommodation center for disabled children / youth is a social service in the resident-type community that provides a family-friendly environment and provides the opportunity for the full development and development of children and young people of varying degrees and forms of disability aged from 3 to 29 years of age, for which at the time of accommodation are exhausted the options for staying and returning to the biological family, a family of relatives and relatives, a foster family or a family of adoptive parents.
Target group/s or clients :

- children with severe / predominantly physical / disabilities aged 3 to 18 - cases of substitute care - providing parents and / or carers with special needs for a short period of time (up to two weeks) and sometimes, in order to help them continue to take care of the child permanently

Short description:

The objectives of the service are achieved by:

- Meeting the daily needs of children and constant care;

- Meeting the health needs of children;

- Psychological support;

- Educational activities;

- Training activities;

- Therapeutic activities;

- Medical Rehabilitation;

- Social integration.

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