Center for social rehabilitation and integration - Vidin

Foundation Support for realization
Type of structure :
Social service provided in the community
Postal code: 3700 ::: Vidin ::: District: Vidin
Street, No.:
23, Str. Georgi Rakovsky
Phone: +359 94 601 986 ::: Fax:
Mobile phone:
Е-поща: ::: Web-site :
Mission or main objective/purpose :
- to create inclusive, adoptive and stimulating development environment for people with disabilities in the municipality of Vidin and a supportive environment for their families; - to help restore and / or develop the potential of people with disabilities and their opportunities for social integration
Target group/s or clients :

- children and persons with temporary injuries or long-term injuries
- Parents / relatives of consumers

Short description:

The services provided at the Center are:
- Information and consultancy: Information and consultation; Assistance in: preparation and submission of documents to specialized medical commissions and to Directorate of Social Assistance, etc .; roviding assistants or home helpers; accommodation in specialized institutions; Formation of training groups; Assistance in finding a job;
- Psychological help;
- Rehabilitation activity;
- Labor therapy: Art therapy; Photography; Domestic work; Cooking; Floriculture and horticulture;
- Pedagogical-educational activity;
- Logopedic activity;
- Leisure: Daily activities; Cultural and educational events; Holidays and Traditions; Sports and tourism; Civic education;
-    Health care.

The team providing social services includes the following specialists: social worker, psychologist, pedagogue, speech therapist, occupational therapist, kinesitherapist, rehabilitator, honey. Sister and organizer.
The center has: an administrative hall, rehabilitation hall and honey. Cabinet, room for occupational therapy with a kitchen, training room, training room, psychologist's office, head office

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