Protected residence for people with severe mental disorders due to addiction - Ruse
Center for Counseling and Short Therapy "Decision"
Type of structure :
Postal code: 7000 :::
Ruse :::
District: Ruse
Social service provided in the community
Street, No.:
Phone: 0885 713 200 :::
20 bul. Tutrakan
Mobile phone:
Е-поща: :::
Web-site :
Mission or main objective/purpose :
Protected residence is a form of social services in which people lead an independent way of life, supported by specialists. Providing living space, nutrition, health care, leisure time and personal contacts.
Target group/s or clients :
People over the age of 18, with risky dysfunctional behavior and a specified diagnosis of "Psychological and behavioral disorders due to the use of psychoactive substances" wishing to work on their skills for independent living and social inclusion.
Short description:
Activities to improve quality of life and the psychosocial functioning of psychiatric patients with risky dysfunctional behavior.
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