Center for family-type accommodation “I have a home” - Montana

Municipality of Montana
Type of structure :
Social service provided in the community
Postal code: 3400 ::: Montana ::: District: Montana
Street, No.:
15, Str. Yurii Venelin
Phone: 096 300 443 ::: Fax:
Mobile phone:
Е-поща: ::: Web-site :
Mission or main objective/purpose :
To create and develop a Center for family-type accommodation for children from 3 to 7 years old in Montana - a new form of comprehensive service for children from an institution, ensuring their full physical, emotional and cognitive development. Work in the direction of their possible reintegration into a biological, foster, adoptive family.
Target group/s or clients :

Children from institution from 3 to 7 years old.

Short description:

Providing a complex of services by implementing different programs:
- services related to meeting daily needs and constant care;
- services related to the satisfaction of children's health needs;
- psychological support;
- training activities;
- social integration;
- skills for everyday life "me and my everyday life";
- skills for family life "me and my family"
- Skills for living in the "me and my friends" community;
- Working with parents and families;

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