Day Center for Elderly People - Medkovets

Municipality of Medkovets
Type of structure :
Social service provided in the community
Postal code: 3670 ::: Medkovets ::: District: Montana
Street, No.:
26, Str. G. Dimitrov
Phone: 0899348209 ::: Fax:
Mobile phone:
Е-поща: ::: Web-site :
Mission or main objective/purpose :
To ensure the daily needs of the consumer and to make social contact and integration of the elderly lonely people.
Target group/s or clients :

Elderly people

Short description:

The Day Care Center for the elderly is a complex of social services that provide everyday food, warmth and activities that fill their free time during the day from Monday to Friday. Here is the health status of users. The personal contacts they make accomplish their integration. The center is also visited by people with disabilities who are mobile. He also applies therapy, meetings with similar institutions, which are very exciting. Excursions, visits to theaters and celebrations, festive liturgies are organized. Birthdays, name days, official or church holidays are celebrated. They are connected with municipal offices, the  Directorate of Social Assistance, assist in filling in and submitting documents to desired institutions.

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