Alexandra - Violeta Family-Type Home – Complex of Services for Children with Special Needs - Alexandria

Type of structure :
Social service provided in the community
Postal code: 0 ::: Alexandria ::: District: Teleorman
Street, No.:
Str. Dunarii, bl. 1613. Sc. B, ap. 22
Phone: 0247.324.826 ::: Fax:
Mobile phone:
Е-поща: ::: Web-site :
Mission or main objective/purpose :
Alexandra - Violeta Family-Type Home has the mission to provide children with access to a home, care, rehabilitation, recovery, education and training for reintegration or family integration and social inclusion. Main activities implemented: reception and accommodation of children; daily care and maintenance in a family-like setting; recovery, depending on the disability of each child; provision of nutritional assistance; permanent evaluation of the hygiene conditions, regular medical visits of the children, contact with the physician of thecenter, as well as with other sanitary units; education for health, for learning and applying hygienic skills related to one's own person and to the living environment; an affective environment favorable to the development of the complex personality of the child; Stimulating the communication capacity of the child by creating a climate of trust; involving children in the decision-making process; access to education, information, culture; group activities, individualized programs for each child;  individualized programs concerning their social and professional integration.
Target group/s or clients :

Residential centers (accommodation centers)


16 places
Short description:

The multidisciplinary team offering social services is made up of the following types of specialists:

  • Psychologist, 1 person, 1/4 full-timeemployment;
  • Kinetotherapist, 1 person, ½ full-timeemployment;
  • Nurse, 6 persons, full-time employment;
  • Recovery teacher, 1 person, full-time employment.


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