Case management office
Type of structure :
Postal code: 0 :::
Alexandria :::
District: Teleorman
Social service provided in the community
Street, No.:
Phone: 0 :::
Fax: 0247.406.060
Str. Dunarii, nr. 7
Mobile phone:
Е-поща: :::
Web-site :
Mission or main objective/purpose :
Ensures within the residence of a natural person or family, the upbringing and care of the child who is temporarily or permanently separated from their parents as a result of the establishment, according to conditions provided by the law, of the foster care measure.
Target group/s or clients :
- The child, who is temporarily or permanently deprived from the parental care
- The child whose parents are deceased, unknown, who lost their parental rights;
- The child abused, neglected, abandoned or left in the sanitary units
200 places
Short description:
The office provides the following social services: legal counseling, supervision, family and community reintegration, socialization and leisure time activities, indefinite accommodation, personal care, informal and non-formal education, development of independent living skills, counseling and emotional support , vocational guidance, and socio-professional orientation, family reintegration/integration, maintenance of family relationships.
The Office operates with a staff of 213 members of the management staff (1 Head of Office, 1 Head of Service), specialized staff.
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