Project YOUTH RIDERS is an initiative co-funded by the EU through the program INTERREG-IPA Bulgaria - Serbia and aims at capacity building and cooperation in the field of youth and youth policy, which contribute to the integration and socio-economic development of the Bulgarian-Serbian border region. This will happen through: consolidation of youth leaders and motivated professionals from "youth sector" on both sides by building a sustainable cross-border network based on model of "Communities of Practice"; creating a favorable environment for cooperation and development of the youth sector through exchange of best practices and innovations in youth work; promotion of structured dialogue between young people, their organizations and decision makers in order to improve the situation of young people in border regions. The executors of the project are Free Youth Centre - Vidin (lead organization) in partnership with the Association for Development of Children and Youth "Open Club" - Nis and the Association for Local Development "Kamenica" - Nis, Serbia. For more information on the initiative, please read the section "Project".