About the project

Main objective:
Through cross-border consolidation of resources, capacity building and public-private partnership to achieve provision of more effective social services for people at risk of poverty or social exclusion in Romanian-Bulgarian border area.

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Invitation to a course (Bulgaria)

01.03.2022 We are sending you information about the upcoming training on "Psychological assistance to children in parental divorce", March 26, 2022 / Saturday / from 10.00 to 15.30
Team of PLISKA Consulting Center
For information and bookings: Tel. 02/97 97 040, 0888 67 81 30, 0887 98 33 94, fsc04@abv.bg, www.centarpliska.com 

Life Skills Programmes

14.02.2022 The Animus Association Foundation offers a comprehensive approach to confronting violence and bullying between children. Part of it are life skills programmes for teachers and parents, but which can also be used in social work. You can find out more about them and the training offered by the Foundation on the website bezstrah.org.

Romania: 119, the only national telephone number for child abuse cases, has been launched.

05.01.2022 Starting with January 5th, 2022, calls that signal different situations that affect children will be able to be answered, 24 hours a day, by counselors specialized in social assistance and child protection. In the case of situations announced by 119, but for which the immediate intervention of the Police or medical crews is necessary, the operators of the Departments of Social Assistance and Child Protection will alert the Emergency Service 112. Also, according to this program, when there are cases of missing children, Police may use the RO-ALERT Warning System


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