In vel lorem et odio dictum dapibus. Vestibulum vitae sapien id mauris sollicitudin gravida. Vivamus nec risus nec turpis elementum molestie. Duis viverra pretium sapien.

Project "Safe Schools Network" (SSN) is financed by Interreg V-A Romania-Bulgaria Programme. The project partners are Free Youth Centre - Vidin, Bulgaria (lead partner), Association Vasiliada - Craiova, Romania  and Regional Network for Innovative Education, Bulgaria. The general objective of the project is to raising awareness in the field of efficient risk prevention trough formal and informal education of children and youth in border area - creation and promotion of an international network of 20 “Safe schools” – a new model for disaster opposition. The envisaged budget on the project is 288 084,21 EUR, provided by European Union through European Regional Development Fund, the governments of Romania and Bulgaria and the project partners. 

07.03.2020 See works by students from Secondary School "St. Cyril and Methodius" - Vidin on "Australia in flames".

04.03.2020. Аt the Lyuben Karavelov School Vidin held a training session for the Young Volunteer Team under the slogan "First Aid Injuries." With the available equipment, the students with head teacher Iliana Tacheva held another club session. In the beginning, the students were instructed. The school nurse gave a refreshing lecture to the children on "Types of injuries. Dressings-varieties "and demonstrates in practice how to provide first aid.

The students from the Young Volunteer Club started, and all the other students continued. They drew in fine arts classes, made collages in "I Program and Draw" interest classes, and wrote in Bulgarian language and literature classes. What is their attitude to what is happening in Australia… the answer is yours. Here you can find one part of artworks..

28.02.2020 At the Ivan Vazov School in Vidin, a practical activity was conducted for the behavior of students during a fire.

These are the works for the fires in Australia by Pavel Vladimirov, Pavel Lyudmilov and Gabriela Ivaylova from the Ivan Vazov School - Vidin.

17.02.2020 Students painted and wrote on the subject of Australia in flames. You can see their works below.


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