24.01.2020 Volunteers from Konstantin Fotinov Primary School in Lom, Bulgaria expressed their attitude to what is happening in Australia with a collage and an essay. You can get acquainted with them below.
06.11.2019 Specialists from the Regional Directorate “Fire Safety and Population Protection” - Vidin were guests of students of "Valor" volunteer club at secondary school “St. Cyril and Methodius '' - the town of Bregovo. They gave the children a theoretical lesson on "Adequate human response in the event of a flood".
16.10.2019 Volunteers from “K. Fotinov" school conducted an activity aimed at rendering first aid to a victim in case of unforeseen incidents - disasters, accidents, catastrophes or fires. The training was held in the building of the school by Emilia Ivanova - a school paramedic and by the head of the club Anna Stoimenova.
30.05.2019 At the "Lyuben Karavelov" School - Vidin took part training of the club "Young Volunteer" under the title "To Render First Aid" With the equipment provided, the students headed by Iliana Tacheva held the next practical session of the club. Initially, students were instructed with a first aid presentation. The pupils shared their impressions and knowledge that they received on first aid training, held at BRC-Vidin in November 2018. The children showed very good first aid skills to the injured person.
20.05.2019 Students from the Young Volunteer Club at the Ivan Vazov School in Berkovitsa held a session on "Water Rescue", which combined with the skills of safe bicycle driving - one of the topics of the mandatory hours of traffic safety in V class. The young volunteers showed speed, accuracy and wisdom in overcoming obstacles and helping a person caught in deep waters.
The event is part of the activities related to the sustainability of the results of the project "Safe Schools Network", in which our school is a partner of Free Youth Centre, Vidin.
30.04.2019 In Lom was held the municipal round of the fire safety competition with the participation of teams from the schools in the town. The race between competitors is in two very technical and attractive disciplines - "Combat racing" and "400 meters of obstacle running". He also handles fire extinguishers.
Here you can see tha artworks of students of Scoala Gimnaziala Carna - Romania.
See the artworks of students of Scoala Negoi - Romania.